About Me

I am an artist imbued with a distinct sense of place and history. Growing up on the Cumbrian coast gave me an enduring love of the rich textures of the coastal landscape and its wildlife; as well as the heritage of the ports, towns and villages of the Solway Plain.

As a stone-carver, I have been largely self-taught since first taking it up as a hobby in the early 1990s. I am very lucky that I can now pursue my interests and dedicate my time and energy to my art.

I am primarily an instinctual abstract artist, creating naturalistic forms and 3D sculptures. As my carving style continues to evolve, I have grown more fascinated by the delicate patterns and intricate details found in the natural world. I recently began to experiment with relief carvings as a way of capturing these forms and textures, so strongly abstract and sculptural in their own right.

Tony Crellin